
I'm not sure why wrap_key doesn't work here, but wey_type should solve this


вт, 31 мар. 2020 г. в 23:10, Dominik Przybysz <alien11...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I created SQL cache, but sometimes I want to use it via javax.cache.api
> and it doesn't work.
> I created cache with SQL:
>   id varchar primary key ,
>   city_id int,
>   name varchar,
>   age int,
>   company varchar
> ) WITH
> "template=replicated,backups=1,wrap_key=false,value_type=java.util.HashMap,cache_name=Person6";
> insert into PERSON6(ID, CITY_ID, NAME, AGE, COMPANY) values (
> '1', 1, 'TEST', 20, 'Bla'
> );
> insert into PERSON6(ID, CITY_ID, NAME, AGE, COMPANY) values (
> '2', 1, 'TEST2', 20, 'Bla 1'
> );
> Next I created client and fetching data with SqlFieldQuery works without
> problems:
> SqlFieldsQuery query = new SqlFieldsQuery("SELECT * from Person6");
> FieldsQueryCursor<List<?>> cursor = cache.query(query);
> but when I tried to query the cache with get:
> IgniteCache<String, Object> cache = ignite.cache("Person6");
> System.out.println("CacheSize: " + cache.size(CachePeekMode.PRIMARY));
> System.out.println("1: " + cache.get("1"));
> I received:
> CacheSize: 2
> 1: null
> To solve it I added withKeepBinary():
> IgniteCache<String, Object> cache =
> ignite.cache("Person6").withKeepBinary();
> and then I received valid data:
> CacheSize: 2
> 1: java.util.HashMap [idHash=660595570, hash=-1179353910, CITY_ID=1,
> ID=null, NAME=TEST, AGE=20, COMPANY=Bla]
> but now I cannot add HashMap to the cache:
> Map<String, Object> value = new HashMap<>();
> value.put("ID", uuid);
> value.put("CITY_ID", 1);
> value.put("NAME", "c");
> value.put("AGE", 90);
> value.put("COMPANY", "AAAAA");
> cache. put(uuid, value);
> throws:
> Exception in thread "main" javax.cache.CacheException: class
> org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException: Unexpected binary object class
> [type=class
> org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cacheobject.UserCacheObjectImpl]
> and adding works only with objects created with BinaryObjectBuilder.
> Is it expected behaviour for caches String->HashMap?
> --
> Pozdrawiam / Regards,
> Dominik Przybysz

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