server starts with following configuration:

][main][IgniteKernal%igniteStart] IgniteConfiguration
[igniteInstanceName=igniteStart, pubPoolSize=32, svcPoolSize=32,
callbackPoolSize=32, stripedPoolSize=32, sysPoolSize=30,
mgmtPoolSize=4, igfsPoolSize=32, dataStreamerPoolSize=32,
utilityCachePoolSize=32, utilityCacheKeepAliveTime=60000,
p2pPoolSize=2, qryPoolSize=32,
marshLocJobs=false, daemon=false, p2pEnabled=false, netTimeout=5000,
sndRetryDelay=1000, sndRetryCnt=3, metricsHistSize=10000,
metricsUpdateFreq=2000, metricsExpTime=9223372036854775807,
discoSpi=TcpDiscoverySpi [addrRslvr=null, sockTimeout=0, ackTimeout=0,
marsh=null, reconCnt=100, reconDelay=10000, maxAckTimeout=600000,
forceSrvMode=false, clientReconnectDisabled=false, internalLsnr=null],
segPlc=STOP, segResolveAttempts=2, waitForSegOnStart=true,
allResolversPassReq=true, segChkFreq=10000,
commSpi=TcpCommunicationSpi [connectGate=null, connPlc=null,
enableForcibleNodeKill=false, enableTroubleshootingLog=false,
locAddr=null, locHost=null, locPort=47100, locPortRange=100,
shmemPort=-1, directBuf=true, directSndBuf=false,
idleConnTimeout=600000, connTimeout=5000, maxConnTimeout=600000,
reconCnt=10, sockSndBuf=32768, sockRcvBuf=32768, msgQueueLimit=1024,
slowClientQueueLimit=1000, nioSrvr=null, shmemSrv=null,
usePairedConnections=false, connectionsPerNode=1, tcpNoDelay=true,
filterReachableAddresses=false, ackSndThreshold=32,
unackedMsgsBufSize=0, sockWriteTimeout=2000, lsnr=null,
boundTcpPort=-1, boundTcpShmemPort=-1, selectorsCnt=16,
selectorSpins=0, addrRslvr=null,
ctxInitLatch=java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch@1cd629b3[Count = 1],
colSpi=NoopCollisionSpi [], deploySpi=LocalDeploymentSpi [lsnr=null],
addrRslvr=null, clientMode=false, rebalanceThreadPoolSize=1,
cacheSanityCheckEnabled=true, discoStartupDelay=60000,
deployMode=SHARED, p2pMissedCacheSize=100, locHost=null,
timeSrvPortBase=31100, timeSrvPortRange=100,
failureDetectionTimeout=10000, clientFailureDetectionTimeout=30000,
metricsLogFreq=60000, hadoopCfg=null,
odbcCfg=null, warmupClos=null, atomicCfg=AtomicConfiguration
[seqReserveSize=1000, cacheMode=PARTITIONED, backups=1, aff=null,
grpName=null], classLdr=null, sslCtxFactory=null, platformCfg=null,
binaryCfg=null, memCfg=null, pstCfg=null,
dsCfg=DataStorageConfiguration [sysRegionInitSize=41943040,
sysCacheMaxSize=104857600, pageSize=0, concLvl=25,
dfltDataRegConf=DataRegionConfiguration [name=Default_Region,
maxSize=20971520, initSize=15728640, swapPath=null,
pageEvictionMode=RANDOM_2_LRU, evictionThreshold=0.9,
emptyPagesPoolSize=100, metricsEnabled=false,
metricsSubIntervalCount=5, metricsRateTimeInterval=60000,
persistenceEnabled=false, checkpointPageBufSize=0], storagePath=null,
checkpointFreq=180000, lockWaitTime=10000, checkpointThreads=4,
checkpointWriteOrder=SEQUENTIAL, walHistSize=20, walSegments=10,
walSegmentSize=67108864, walPath=db/wal,
walArchivePath=db/wal/archive, metricsEnabled=false, walMode=LOG_ONLY,
walTlbSize=131072, walBuffSize=0, walFlushFreq=2000,
walFsyncDelay=1000, walRecordIterBuffSize=67108864,
metricsSubIntervalCnt=5, metricsRateTimeInterval=60000,
walAutoArchiveAfterInactivity=-1, writeThrottlingEnabled=false,
walCompactionEnabled=false], activeOnStart=true, autoActivation=true,
longQryWarnTimeout=3000, sqlConnCfg=null,
cliConnCfg=ClientConnectorConfiguration [host=null, port=10800,
portRange=100, sockSndBufSize=0, sockRcvBufSize=0, tcpNoDelay=true,
maxOpenCursorsPerConn=128, threadPoolSize=32, idleTimeout=0,
jdbcEnabled=true, odbcEnabled=true, thinCliEnabled=true,
sslEnabled=false, useIgniteSslCtxFactory=true, sslClientAuth=false,
sslCtxFactory=null], authEnabled=false, failureHnd=null,

and error while connecting client:

][grid-timeout-worker-#71%igniteStart%][TcpDiscoverySpi] Socket write
has timed out (consider increasing 'sockTimeout' configuration
property) [sockTimeout=5000, rmtAddr=/,
rmtPort=51856, sockTimeout=5000]

In server configuration we didn't define any socketTimeout, server
might be throwing socket timeout not client. But It occurs for only
one particular client and this server. Other web applications are able
to connect with same server on our production environment.


On Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 8:09 PM Evgenii Zhuravlev
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can you share full logs from all nodes? I mean log files, not the console 
> output.
> Evgenii
> вс, 12 апр. 2020 г. в 20:30, Rajan Ahlawat <>:
>> ?
>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 3:11 AM Rajan Ahlawat <> wrote:
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> > From: Rajan Ahlawat <>
>> > Date: Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 3:09 AM
>> > Subject: org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi - Failed
>> > to reconnect to cluster (will retry): class
>> > o.a.i.IgniteCheckedException: Failed to deserialize object with given
>> > class loader: org.springframework.boot.loader.LaunchedURLClassLoader
>> > To: <>
>> >
>> >
>> > Hi
>> >
>> > We suddenly started getting following exception on client side after
>> > node running application got restarted:
>> >
>> > org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi - Failed to
>> > reconnect to cluster (will retry): class o.a.i.IgniteCheckedException:
>> > Failed to deserialize object with given class loader:
>> > org.springframework.boot.loader.LaunchedURLClassLoader
>> >
>> > I see similar bug was raised here for version 2.7.0:
>> >
>> >
>> > We are currently using version 2.6.0
>> > Following is our tcpDiscoveryApi configurations:
>> >
>> > private void setDiscoverySpiConfig(IgniteConfiguration cfg) {
>> >     TcpDiscoverySpi discoverySpi = new TcpDiscoverySpi();
>> >
>> >     setIpFinder(discoverySpi);
>> >     
>> > discoverySpi.setNetworkTimeout(platformCachingConfiguration.getIgnite().getSocketTimeout());
>> >     
>> > discoverySpi.setSocketTimeout(platformCachingConfiguration.getIgnite().getSocketTimeout());
>> >     
>> > discoverySpi.setJoinTimeout(platformCachingConfiguration.getIgnite().getJoinTimeout());
>> >     
>> > discoverySpi.setClientReconnectDisabled(platformCachingConfiguration.getIgnite().isClientReconnectDisabled());
>> >     
>> > discoverySpi.setReconnectCount(platformCachingConfiguration.getIgnite().getReconnectCount());
>> >     
>> > discoverySpi.setReconnectDelay(platformCachingConfiguration.getIgnite().getReconnectDelay());
>> >
>> >     cfg.setDiscoverySpi(discoverySpi);
>> > }
>> >
>> > Its IPfinder config is
>> >
>> > private void setTcpIpFinder(TcpDiscoverySpi discoverySpi) {
>> >     TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder ipFinder = new TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder();
>> >
>> >     
>> > ipFinder.setAddresses(platformCachingConfiguration.getIgnite().getNodes());
>> >     discoverySpi.setIpFinder(ipFinder);
>> > }
>> >
>> > We have tried every combination of timeouts, right now timeouts are
>> > set at very hight value .
>> >
>> > (1) If we are having same bug mentioned for 2.7.0 version, but bug
>> > desc says it occurs on server side, but we are getting exact same
>> > stack trance in on client side.
>> > (2) assuming it is same issues, is there a way to disable data bag
>> > compression check, since upgrading both client and server version
>> > would not be possible immediately.
>> >
>> > Thanks in advance.

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