
Turns out, "?queryTimeout=" will only be available in 2.9:

However, you can already use (Statement)ps.setQueryTimeout(1), it works in
your case as well (checked on 2.8).

Ilya Kasnacheev

вт, 24 мар. 2020 г. в 11:05, breathem <vasilylaktio...@gmail.com>:

> Hi, Taras.
> We try to connect to server via NetBeans 8.2 for development purposes.
> In Services tab we add Ignite 2.8.0 JDBC driver (ignite-core-2.8.0.jar) and
> choose org.apache.ignite.IgniteJdbcThinDriver.
> To reproduce long running query we create 2 tables:
> create table if not exists TEST
> (kField long not null, vField varchar(100) not null, rField varchar(100)
> not
> null, primary key (kField))
> WITH "template=REPLICATED, cache_name=TEST, key_type=KTEST,
> value_type=VTEST"
> create table if not exists TEST1
> (kField long not null, vField varchar(100) not null, rField varchar(100)
> not
> null, primary key (kField))
> WITH "template=REPLICATED, cache_name=TEST1, key_type=KTEST1,
> value_type=VTEST1"
> Then fill this tables with 1 000 000 random data rows, eg
>     int size = 1_000_000;
>     IgniteCallable<Integer> clb = new IgniteCallable<Integer>()
>     {
>       @IgniteInstanceResource
>       Ignite ignite;
>       @Override
>       public Integer call() throws Exception
>       {
>         IgniteCache<BinaryObject, BinaryObject> test =
> ignite.cache("TEST").withKeepBinary();
>         if (test.size(CachePeekMode.ALL) > 0)
>         {
>           test.clear();
>         }
>         IgniteBinary bin = ignite.binary();
>         long t;
>         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
>         {
>           BinaryObjectBuilder k = bin.builder("KTEST");
>           BinaryObjectBuilder v = bin.builder("VTEST");
>           t = System.currentTimeMillis();
>           k.setField("kField", t);
>           v.setField("vField", "I am value string " + t);
>           v.setField("rField", randomString(100));
>           test.putAsync(k.build(), v.build());
>         }
>         return null;
>       }
>     };
> Then connect to server via NetBeans with
> jdbc:ignite:thin://
> Then make long running query:
> select t.kField, t.vField, t1.vField from test t inner join test1 t1 on
> t.vField = t1.vField;
> This query in our case is executed ~73 sec and not cancelled.
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/

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