Throttling is applied to page modifications [percentOfPartTime=0.62,
markDirty=2440 pages/sec, checkpointWrite=1971 pages/sec,
estIdealMarkDirty=0 pages/sec, curDirty=0.00, maxDirty=0.02,
avgParkTime=253807 ns, pages: (total=132474, evicted=0, written=831,
synced=0, cpBufUsed=543, cpBufTotal=259107)]

   This means that your disk is not fast enough or your throughput is too
and :  

Here:  percentOfPartTime=0.62  --  - writing threads are stuck in
LockSupport.parkNanos() for 62% of the time, which is significant,

Page replacements started, pages will be rotated with disk, this will affect
storage performance (consider increasing DataRegionConfiguration#setMaxSize
for data region) 

Here Ignite is using the disk as a swap space. Consider increasing the size
of that particular memory region.
 SQL queries can be fully utilized from Ignite applications when only a
subset of pages is in memory. In this case required pages will be taken from
disk during query execution. 

If memory amount is less than whole size of B+tree for SQL index, Ignite
still can operate. When Ignite runs out of RAM memory for the new pages
allocation, some of the pages will be purged from RAM (as it can be loaded
from disk later).


and: https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/durable-memory-tuning

Query execution is too long 
  This is likely related to the above issues.

Possible starvation in striped
    Thread name: sys-stripe-1-#2
    Queue: [Message closure [msg=GridIoMessage [plc=2, topic=TOPIC_CACHE,
topicOrd=8, ordered=false, timeout=0, skipOnTimeout=false,

This means that these threads are stuck. Possible causes are network issues,
or very large objects.

but I would likely fix the above issues -- page replacements, memory and
come back to this later.

Thanks, Alex

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