Hi All,

I would appreciate your feedback, for the following, in terms of
performance for both inserts and queries.

1) Which one of these patterns is preferable for the table design?
A- Have a fat table/cache with nested objects, e.g. person table with a
hashmap of addresses.
B- Have person and address tables separate and just link them via foreign

2) Which one of these patterns is preferable for primary keys?
A- Have a UUID + affinity key as the primary key
B- Have the keys spelled out + affinity key. For example, assume person
table, combination of age and name uniquely identifies a person, so the key
will be person-name, person-age, and org-id.
If I have a associative table joining persons and addresses (if address is
a separate object), then in case B, I will have to include three fields
from person and the id from the address table, as opposed to case A, where
I will have UUID + orgid + address id. Would having one less field buy me
much, as opposed to having the overhead of creating UUIDs?


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