
We have a table in ignite cache which would have say around 1Mn entries at
anytime. Now we wish to listen on updates on a subset of these keys (say
5-10 thousand keys) and this subset keeps on changing as the user
subscribes/unsubscribes to these keys.

The way it is currently working is one continuous query is attached for
every key whenever it is subscribed and it is closed whenever that key is no
longer of interest (or unsubscribed). The problem with this is that since
there are so many continuous queries (a few thousands), the application goes
out of memory. Also, it would mean all those queries would be evaluated on
the remote node for every update.

To overcome this, what we intend to do is to have just one continuous query
which would listen to all the updates on this table (i.e. all the keys) and
on receiving these updates we would have to filter those of our interest on
our end. But this would mean unnecessary updates would flow over the network
and it doesn't sound like a very good solution too.

Can someone suggest a better way this problem could be addressed? Do we have
something else in ignite to cater such requirement?

Thanks in advance.

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