Thanks for getting back to me on this Dennis,
The company's  Ignite Cluster is already up and running on VMs on our
company network. The service my team is standing up will run in our Private
cloud K8S environment.

Regarding our usecase we will have say 2 or 3 caches, our service will be
passed 3 parameters , if it gets a match to parameter 1 in cache 1 no
further action is required , if not it needs to check cache 2 for parameter
2  ,again if it gets a match it uses data from cache 2 and no further
action is required , otherwise it needs to check cache 3 . So cache 1 has
most relevant data.
We would have somewhere between 2 and 10 instances of our service running
servicing a max of 3000+ request per second

Our preference if possible would be to use a thin client. One thing I am
not clear on is in the scenario where we need to check 3 different caches,
for a single call to our service, is  this going to be an expensive
 Will we have to initiate a connection to Ignite for every call to the
cache?  From reading  connection pooling does not come out of the box with
key value operations over thin client, but its possible to implement your
own connection pooling, is it therefore possible to have long lived
connections to avoid the expense of constantly connecting and disconnecting
from Ignite caches.

Regarding the possibility of using the SQL API the background that is:
      (1) We have a rarely used usecase where we want to get a combination
of data from all 3 caches , so was thinking the SQL API would be one way of
doing that.
      (2) Looking at the docs it seems that connection pooling is possible
via JDBC over thin client , so was wondering would that  be a more
performant approach, if it's not possible to have a connection pool for key
value operations over the thin client.

Regards Eugene

On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 12:28 AM Denis Magda <> wrote:

> Hi Eugene,
> Let me help you with that as much as I can. Please help me understand the
> following:
>    - Is the cluster supposed to be deployed outside of Kubernetes (on VMs
>    or bare-metal)? Is this a private cloud (OpenShift, PCF) or a public
>    environment (Azure, AWS, etc.)?
>    - If you use primary keys to access the records, do you really need
>    SQL for this type of operations? Or do you perform additional filtering of
>    records with SQL operands?
> In the meantime, please check this page to understand the pros and cons of
> thick and thin clients:
> -
> Denis
> On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 1:07 PM Eugene McGowan <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Igniters,
>> Our company has recently started using Ignite and our team are now to it.
>> We would like to use Ignite as a Cache layer for an upcoming project
>> Our use case is that we have an Ignite cluster that we want to interact
>> with , our client service is Springboot based and  running in a Kubernetes
>> Cluster  but not co located with our Ignite cluster , we anticipate our
>> service will receive *3000+ request per second* , the service will scale
>> based on the volume of requests, and we will need to query Ignite for each
>> of these requests.
>> The data we need to query is fairly straight forward , a single row from
>>  either 1 or 2  caches based on primary key.
>> We are at the point where we are beginning to design the architecture.
>> I have done some initial reading on Ignite and was wondering if someone
>> could
>> Verify my understanding is correct.
>> I would also be interested to know  what architectures  other folks are
>> using for similar use cases
>> *=======*
>> *Thin Client*
>> ========
>>   JDBC connection are not thread safe
>>   To use this approach we need to ensure non cuncurrent use of
>> Connections, Statements, and ResultSet perhaps using a locking mechanism.
>>   Key value operations or SQL Queries via the API over the thin client
>> are thread safe
>>   Connection Pooling is not provided via the API , but it is possible to
>> implement your own connection pool.
>>   If you implement your own connection pool you could keep connections
>> alive to reduce
>>   the cost of establishing a connection to Ignite and reusing
>>   the connections for various requests.
>> ==========
>> *Thick Client *
>> ==========
>>   Does not have a concept of Connection pooling
>>   When using either JDBC or the IGNITE API on the Thick Client
>>   It is thread safe and can handle multiple concurrent threads
>>   Is part of the Ignite cluster
>>   Ignite Servers can iniatate TCP connection  needs to be reachable via a
>> TCP connection
>>   If the Client is behind a firewall,NAT or Load Balancer it makes using
>> ,thick client challenging
>> =========
>> *Question on GRPC*
>> =============
>> The Thin Client TCP socket connection uses a Binary protocol
>> I may be mixing up network levels here but , is it possible to run this
>> over a GRPC connection

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