We have 12 identical azure servers in one network, each 32cpu and 64G ram.
Ignite is running as docker container (identical including config). 8 our
servers are working fine. But 4 are working only sometimes - they cant join
and even worse they are blocking also others. I have recreated these VM
(preserving NIC due licensing of some plugins) but it dint help. Sometimes
these 4 nodes are working fine and they can connect togather, but sometimes
they cant even connect if they are just 2. Identical behavior is while
running as docker-compose or kubernetes. Once servers are connected there is
no issue they are working fine.
We are using ignite 2.8.1

I am attaching logs and config where just 2 servers in the network:
both logs are continuing in infinity error loop.

2.xml <http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/file/t2900/2.xml>  

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