   Starvation messages contain queue information, showing which tasks are
   Looks like you are overloading the system w/too many requests/queries
that are taking a long time.

   Send over log/reproducer/config/version #s/heap sizes and I'll take a
look. Take a thread dump using jstack at multiple instances to see what is
happening and include in your message. Include gc logs:

List the steps you take to get these messages.  Are you sending SqlQuery
requests from each of your threads?(all 300 at once?) How many nodes are in
your setup?   How long does each query take to complete? Do you use a thick
client or thin client or jdbc to send requests or are doing it on the server

  These messages are informational, the system could still work through all
requests, given enough time.
  Is that your case? Do you have a certain time limit you want these
requests to complete in?

  see: https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/thread-pools#overview
   Try to vary the query/stripped pool to see whether it makes a difference.
   Also adjust memory/gc :

Thanks, Alex


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