I've been researching a problem where we see a ClusterGroup topology
becoming unexpectedly empty. I have not found anything that is similar to
my case outlined below:

We have some code using the C# client on Ignite 2.8.0 like this:

var _group = _ignite?.GetCluster()?.ForAttribute(_roleAttribute, "True");

There are nodes in the grid (deployed on AWS EKS) that have a local
attribute with the  _roleAttribute name set to the value "True", yet this
command sometimes decides that there are no matching nodes. Once it does
so, it does not seem to change requiring a restart of the grid.

In this instance, the _ignite reference may be a long lived reference to
the object returned by Ignition.GetIgnite("GridName") and cached for future
reference. Is this a safe practice, or can the underlying Ingite object
change leaving a long lived Ignite reference containing stale state
information about the grid?


Raymond Wilson
Solution Architect, Civil Construction Software Systems (CCSS)
11 Birmingham Drive | Christchurch, New Zealand
+64-21-2013317 Mobile


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