
Unfortunately, Ignite doesn't support such kind of relations out of the box. Ignite just translates it to third party data storage that used as cache-store.

It's expected that inserts and updates will be rejected in case if they break some rules.

7/21/2020 11:16 AM, Bastien Durel пишет:

I have a junction table in my model, and used the web console to
generate ignite config and classes from my SQL database

-> There is a table user with id (long) and some data
-> There is a table role with id (long) and some data
-> There is a table user_role with user_id (fk) and role_id (fk)

Reading cache from table works, I can query ignite with jdbc and I get
my relations as expected.

But if I want to add a new relation, the query :
insert into "UserRoleCache".user_role(USER_ID, ROLE_ID) values(6003, 2)
is translated into this one, sent to postgresql :
UPDATE public.user_role SET  WHERE (user_id=$1 AND role_id=$2)

Which obviously is rejected.

The web console generated a cache for this table, with UserRole
& UserRoleKey types, which each contains userId and roleId Long's.

Is there a better (correct) way to handle these many-to-many relations
in ignite (backed by RDBMS) ?


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