Hi community,

I have a question regarding the xml configuration which is used in clients / servers and thinclients.

Is it really necessary that each node is using the same configuration?
I'm just asking because I'm trying out to setup multiple servers in one machine which totally is nonsense in a production release but worth working in a debugging environment and to find out how Ignite acts in certain use cases.

I started basically two server configurations. One from a cpp code environment and the other from the usual ./ignite.sh bash script which has been provided with the release.

The ignite environment was started first and somehow seems to block the cpp code from inserting data into the persistent storage as I cannot see my log output but just that the node has started up.

After I started the ignite.sh script I activated the server node with control.sh --activate

Is that maybe the problem as new nodes are not accepted anymore to be joined to the topology?

Why do I have to activate the nodes or deactivate them anyway in the first place. In my mind the servers should be shutdown when the last node leaves the topology....



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