  Expiry policies are designed to set the lifetime of an entry. 
  If you configure your data region to have a small max size, and load more
data than the max size of the data region, then most of your entries will be
kept in persistent storage. 
 After configuring your data region, set your expiry policy to be as needed,
and your entries will be deleted when necessary. 


 use the corresponding messages in the log to determine how much data is in
memory and what percent was committed on disk

Here everything is in memory because it is large enough to accommodate all
    ^-- Off-heap memory [used=30MB, free=99.17%, allocated=3447MB]
    ^--   default region [type=default, persistence=true, lazyAlloc=true,
      ...  initCfg=256MB, maxCfg=3247MB, usedRam=30MB, freeRam=99.07%,
allocRam=3247MB, allocTotal=29MB]
    ^-- Ignite persistence [used=29MB]

To understand what happens when Ignite hits the limits of a data region see
"page replacement" section here:

Thanks, Alex

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