Your thoughts are right.
If cache exists no PME will be started.
If doesn't exist - getOrCreate() method will create it and start PME,
cache() method will throw an exception or return null (doesn't remember
what exactly)

пт, 11 дек. 2020 г. в 17:48, VeenaMithare <>:

> HI Pavel,
> Thank you for the reply.
> >>> *for the end user , is this invoked when we do ignite.getOrCreate( xx )
> and ignite.cache(xx )*
> >>Yes.
> getOrCreateCache would create a cache if doesnt exist . I would guess this
> would have the effect of starting the cache if doesnt exist . And I think
> this would start the PME.
> And ignite.cache would only get an instance of the existing cache. In this
> case, I would imagine the cache already exists and a reference to the cache
> is returned. I would have thought this WOULD NOT have the effect of
> starting
> the cache and hence should not start the PME.
> Please guide. Below is the documentation of getOrCreateCache and
> ignite.cache from the javadocs.
> getOrCreateCache(CacheConfiguration<K,V> cacheCfg)
> Gets existing cache with the given name or creates new one with the given
> configuration.
> <K,V> IgniteCache<K,V> cache(String name)
>                       throws javax.cache.CacheException
> Gets an instance of IgniteCache API. IgniteCache is a fully-compatible
> implementation of JCache (JSR 107) specification.
> regards,
> Veena.
> --
> Sent from:

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