Thanks for your confirmation, Ilya.  

I do have a follow-up question for you. 
When Ignite Persistence is used together with Cassandra.  The caches for
Cassandra table mappings are provided via xml file.  The java class for the
mappings is for BOTH Ignite Persistence and Cassandra cache store.  When a
table is changed, the mapping class gets changed, and the cluster is
started. Why is Ignite Persistence able to use this updated java class
(added/removed variables from the class) to insert/update data into Ignite
Persistence stores.  But for Cassandra Store, it appears to use the old
definition of class.  For this case, what's effort if we want to use the new
class of definition?  Do you think that it's reasonable to read the cache
configuration (i.e. via xml) dynamically for 3rd party Cache store which
does if the 3rd party store is used along.  I'm not an expert in java, I can
definitely help (or find a resource to do it) to improve this request.  

Pleas let me know if I can submit a feature request. 

Appreciate your help.  

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