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> On 22 Apr 2021, at 08:30, X Guest <> wrote:
> would you please release a perl thin client? thanks.
> On Thu, Apr 22, 2021, at 3:21 PM, Ivan Daschinsky wrote:
>> The Apache Ignite Community is pleased to announce the release of
>> Apache IGNITE python thin client (pyignite) 0.4.0.
>> This new release of python thin client contains a lot of changes.
>> Namely:
>> 1. Partition awareness support.
>> 2. Asyncio support.
>> 3. Numerous performance fixes.
>> 4. Numerous bug fixes.
>> For the full list of changes, you can refer to the RELEASE_NOTES.
>> <>
>> You can install this version using pip
>> >> pip install pyignite==0.4.0
>> Alternatively, you can download sources and binary packages (wheels) from 
>> here:
>> <>
>> Please let us know if you have any problems
>> <>
>> Regards,
>> Ivan Daschinsky on behalf of the Apache Ignite community.
> --
> <>

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