
We are hitting a performance wall with using the C# thin client PutAsync for
data upload to Ignite. We are in the process of migrating to C#'s thick
client (using client mode) datastreamer. I would appreciate some advice on
some best practices on how to use the thick client:
* Ignite instance -- should we use a single instance within the server
process. It seems like C# is a wrapper around JVM so there is no point to
use multiple instances?
* DataStreamer - I am aware from some posting that it is thread-safe, my
question is whether there are any benefits in trying to share/reuse
DataStreamer instance (e.g. better batching for colocated data) vs using
more DataStreamer instances (more parallelism/connections)?
* Retries and connection failures - there is no mention about connection
failure scenarios or retry setting. Can I assume the DataStreamer (via JVM)
will take care of all the connection failures and reconnecting? 
* Failures - are these surfaced as exceptions from Task returned by
AddData()? Or do I have to use Flush/Close?


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