Hi Siva,

Thank you for reading my blog post. I have no idea what is the problem in your case, just wanna share some experience.

I do not use any user POJOs on the remote nodes. Instead, I create POJO on the thick client node, convert it in BinaryObject and change that object on the remote node by object.toBuilder().setField().build(). I use key value API only. 

So no class not found issues arise. Hope that helps

Vladimir Chernyi

8:28, 9 мая 2021 г., "siva.velich...@barclays.com" <siva.velich...@barclays.com>:



We are trying to use ignite for the first time in our project. We are trying to use ignite with persistence enabled.


Architecture is as follows.


SpringBoot 2.3 application (thick client ) tries to connect to apace ignite cluster (3 nodes ) with persistence enabled and peer class loading enabled.


There seems to be a weird  issue with peer class loading.


We are trying to load huge data following the same approach as here - https://www.gridgain.com/resources/blog/how-fast-load-large-datasets-apache-ignite-using-key-value-api


Cache Configuration


cacheConfiguration.setIndexedTypes(String.class, IgniteUser1.class);
RendezvousAffinityFunction rendezvousAffinityFunction = new RendezvousAffinityFunction();



Scenario 1.  


Start the cluster à activate the cluster à start the thick client à  Loading clients/ignite.cluster fails


Exception occured in adding the data javax.cache.CacheException: class org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException: Failed to resolve class name [platformId=0, platform=Java, typeId=620850656]


Scenario 2.


Stop the Thick client , Rename the file from IgniteUser1 to IgniteUser and restart the thick client , the classes are now copied to the cluster and works fine.


I am not sure if there is an issue with grid deployment. Any help would be appreciated.



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