Hi Team,

We are running sql query on our cache(which is configured in "Partitioned"
mode with backup =1)
We have two nodes connected over network to each other.
Our application is C++ based and running on ARM environment(linux)
We are facing 2 issues now-
1. when we are running below query on our code while in background we are
adding entries in DB-
const SqlFieldsQuery countQuery(
                "select count(reqType) "
                "from DBStorage "
                "where reqType=0"); DataBaseConfig.xml
The count is returned is increasing with proper entry till 10,000 entries
but after that it is getting reset again and starting again with 0.
Is there anything else, we need to do for running sql query in partitioned
mode for correct results?

2. What C++ API we need to use to get exact size of cache on partitioned
mode? So cache.localSize() is returning half the size of actual size (may be
due to partitioned mode)?

I am attaching the xml for your reference.

Rakshita Chaudhary

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