  The error is coming from here:
  This means that the model class metadata is missing/corrupt.
   It is located in <work db>/binary_meta/<node id>
   and in <work db>/marshaller

To fix:
   If you have persistence enabled, destroy the cache in question (as well
as all caches using this type),
   remove the given types from the above dirs and retry.
   Make sure the model class is in the class path.

   To determine the types in question:  grep "fully qualified type name"
<dirs listed above>
     remove -1293425677 file in the above mentioned dirs. Take a look at
     marshaller/-1293425677.classname0 to see what type this typeid
represents. Make sure to remove it
     and all caches using this type.

  I encourage you to use the latest ignite version:

Thanks, Alex

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