So far I haven't seen anyone ask about the issue here in the lists. So I'll
give it a go.

I'm personally using 2.8.1

1- If we are running as a service using .DEB or .RPM or other linux
packages: The default logging is JUL so nothing to worry about.
2- If we aren' t specifically enabling the ignite-log4j2 module by copying
it to the libs folder: Also nothing to worry about.
3- If we are not specifically enabling log4j2 in XML config or through JAVA
code: Also nothing to worry about.
4- If we are not pulling the ignite-log4j2 dependency with maven/gradle:
Also nothing to worry about.
5- On the client side (client = true). We pull ignite-slf4j + use
logback-classic + logback-core: Also nothing to worry about.

Strictly speaking from Ignite's side, if external dependencies pull log4j2
dependency so long we don't explicitly enable any Ignite log4j2 config we
are ok as well.

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