Thank you Surinder and Pavel. I will give this approach a try.
But even in case of iterator, when I try refreshing the iterator once it
reached to last record, i.e. new iterator, it does not give all the entries
as described in the first email steps.

On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 4:08 PM Pavel Tupitsyn <> wrote:

> Cache iterator does not guarantee that you'll see all entries if there are
> concurrent updates, I think you are facing a race condition.
> Please try ContinuousQuery as Surinder suggests, it will catch all data
> changes.
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 1:32 PM Surinder Mehra <> wrote:
>> Just curious, why can't we use continuous query here with "appropriate"
>> event type to write to another cache. So your listener will do below things
>> 1. Write entry to another cache
>> 2. remove entry from source cache
>> Just an idea, please correct if I am wrong
>> On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 3:49 PM Sumit Deshinge <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We are running apache ignite 2.11 with cache configuration FULL_SYNC and
>>> REPLICATED mode.
>>> Our use case is :
>>> 1. *Multiple thin clients are adding data* into a cache using putAll
>>> operation.
>>> 2. *Simultaneously the server is reading the data* using server cache
>>> iterator.
>>> 3. *While iterating over the cache, data is removed from the cache and
>>> added into new cache using a transaction*, i.e. transaction with remove
>>> and put operations. We have transaction *concurrency - pessimistic and
>>> isolation levels - repeatable_read*.
>>> But we are seeing few missing entries at server side, i.e. server is not
>>> able to read all the data put by client. E.g. in one of the run, all thin
>>> clients put 5000 entries, server is able to read only 4999 entries. Here we
>>> saw 1 entry was not read by server.
>>> *Another observation is that, if we remove the transaction in the second
>>> step above, or use optimistic transaction with serializable isolation
>>> level, then this issue is not observed*.
>>> What could be the possible problem in this use case
>>> with pessimistic concurrency and repeatable_read isolation level? This is
>>> particularly important as this configuration is resulting in data loss.
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Sumit Deshinge

Sumit Deshinge

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