
The traditional RDBMS has the concept of partitioning a table into
different chunks, but that isn't really partitioning data to different
nodes as described in the Ignite document. Our team is trying to partition
a table based on the values of one column and query data based on these
values. For example, there are 3 different values in our partitioned
column, A, B and C, and we want to get all data that belong to C and don't
want to read anything that belong to A and B.

We have a few ideas on doing this as indicated below:

   - Create separate tables for A, B and C
   - Use index for the partitioned column
   - Use affinity key for the partitioned column (this is more related to
   if the data are on the same node)

I am curious if the above 3 approaches are valid or if there is another way
to do this? Is it possible to do the ALTER command in the RDBMS to add
partitions? Thanks.


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