Hi Igor,
here are the odbc trace files. I tried with CursorLocation  client and server.
Hope it helps.
Thank you in advance.

Best Regards

Von: Igor Sapego <isap...@gridgain.com>
Gesendet: Samstag, 19. November 2022 08:44
An: user@ignite.apache.org
Betreff: Re: IGNITE ODBC and ADODB Recordset problem fetching data


Can you please enable ODBC tracing as described for example at [1]
and share a trace file? It is not clear from the error message what the
problem is.

[1] - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/odbc/admin/setting-tracing-options

Best Regards,

On Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 2:29 PM Entwicklung 
i try to fetch records from Apache Ignite inmemory database via Microsoft 
Access 2016 32-Bit and Apache Ignite 32-Bit ODBC-driver with default settings. 
OS is Windows 10. Import as a linked table does not work so i tried via 
ADODB-Class. Connection.Open and Recordset.Open works and i can see all columns 
(ID and NAME) of sample table CITY in the Recordset. But when i try to fetch 
the first record with MoveFirst or MoveNext, i get the error 'specified 
attribute is not supported'. I tried the same with CursorLocation=adUseClient 
and the error message changes to 'wrong parameter'. Default Provider is 
MSDASQL.1. Is this the correct Provider? Any idea how to fetch records with 
Public Sub QueryIgnite()
Dim ADOrs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim ADOcon As ADODB.Connection

                    Set ADOcon = New ADODB.Connection
                    ADOcon.ConnectionString = "DSN=Apache-Ignite-DSN"
                    'ADOcon.CursorLocation = adUseClient

                    Set ADOrs = New ADODB.Recordset
                    ADOrs.Open "select * from city", ADOcon, adOpenForwardOnly
                    Debug.Print ADOrs.Fields("NAME")

End Sub
Thank you in advance.
Guido Clesius

Attachment: ignite_odbc_cursorLocation_Client.log
Description: ignite_odbc_cursorLocation_Client.log

Attachment: ignite_odbc_cusorLocation_Server.log
Description: ignite_odbc_cusorLocation_Server.log

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