
Not enough information, you didn't provide the current full configuration
nor a reproducible code test case.


On Fri, 12 May 2023 at 09:07, Ganguly Gundeboina <gangaiah.ya...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> We recently setup the 2.13 ignite cluster having three server nodes and
> enabled write services to write the records to the cluster.
> After few days, want to restart the cluster as part of maintenance
> activity. After restart all cache sizes showing zero even though data is
> there and getting retrieved.
> Below one used to get the cache size,
> cache.size(new CachePeekMode[]{Cache.PeekMode.PRIMARY})
> cache size is important to validate the data during maintenance.
> Replication steps:
> 1. setup cluster 2.13
> 2. insert few records in any cache.
> 3. restart the cluster.
> Same issue not observed in 2.11 and 2.7.6 versions.
> Regards,
> Ganguly

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