
Does anyone know the plans for Ignite 2.x after 3.0 is released? e.g. will
2.x continue to be developed for a year or two, will it be on critical
patch support, or will it no longer be developed at all?

And, in the same vein, will there be a typical upgrade path from 2.x to 3.x
for existing clusters, or have the internals changed too much for that?

Is there a general target timeframe for Ignite 3.x to hit general
availability? e.g. 2024-2025 vs. 2027-2029.

I'm writing a proof of concept with Ignite 2.16 on a small team, and
answers to these questions will help us choose whether to use Ignite, which
features to rely on, and how soon we might plan for a migration after our
initial work.


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