wow, I'm sorry. It is quite obvious that.
Thanks to Mauro and Andreas.

On 23/07/2012 19:47, Mauro Talevi wrote:
Use  parametrisation by name delimiters:

new MostUsefulConfiguration()

On 23/07/2012 18:26, Marius Brot wrote:

how do you handle Parametrisation of Stories when the same step should
be called multiple with different parameters?
I'm wondering the following example was not running like expected.

My Story file:
Scenario: Some jobs with multiple users
Given a user called <user1>
Given a user called <user2>

| user1 | user2 |
| mario | lena  |

Console Output (when running the Story - like expacted):
Example: {user1=mario, user2=lena}
Given a user called mario
Given a user called lena

The implementation of the Steps looks like:

    @Given("a user called $user")
    public void aUser(String user) {
        // ..

The Problem
When debugging the method aUser will be called with parameter
values "<user1>" and "<user2>" insted of the user names.

Why the console is showing my expected behavior but the code
itselfs don't do so?

When changing one of the parameter names to "user" they will
work. But I need to specify different users.


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