Hi Bruno,
You can control this behavior via configuration. I'm assuming you are talking 
about scenarios on the same story file

The class that controls this on JBehave is 
"org.jbehave.core.embedder.StoryControls". I do find it weird that you see this 
behavior because I see that the default on this class is "private boolean 
skipScenariosAfterFailure = false;"

When you are configuring JBehave look for something like

The other possibility is that your steps are actually PENDING and you don't an 
implementation of it with that annotation.


From: Bruno Vercelino da Hora [mailto:brunodah...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 8:24 AM
To: user@jbehave.codehaus.org
Subject: [jbehave-user] Execute all scenarios despite of failures

Hi, I'm using JBehave with JUnit.

I was able to configure and use it well.
But there is something that is bottering me.

When a scenario fails all the other scenarios aren't executed, they just show 
Is there a way that despite a scenario fails the others will be executed?

Thanks for the help!

Bruno Vercelino da Hora
"Mas Deus prova o seu próprio amor para conosco pelo fato de ter Cristo morrido 
por nós, sendo nós ainda pecadores." - Romanos 5:8
"Mas em nada tenho a minha vida como preciosa para mim, contando que complete a 
minha carreira e o ministério que recebi do Senhor Jesus, para dar testemunho 
do evangelho da graça de Deus." - Atos 20:24

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