
you have to choose if you EITHER use the maven-eclipse-plugin (what you
just did: mvn eclipse:eclipse). That one generates the eclipse project
metadata and eclipse knows nothing about maven. OR you use the eclipse
plugin m2e to enable eclipse to work with maven projects.

Don't do both. My recommendation is to use the eclipse plugin.


2013/11/13 Hans Schwäbli <bugs.need.love....@gmail.com>

> It works to some degree with "mvn eclipse:eclipse". It creates a .project
> and .classpath file, but not for all folders. Maybe it is because they are
> just containers, like "examples" folder.
> However it does not create these files for
> https://github.com/jbehave/jbehave-site<https://github.com/jbehave/jbehave-site/tree/master/site-frontend/src/site/content>
>  for
> some reason, although "site-frontend" for instance appears like a project
> to me.
> After "mvn eclipse:eclipse" has run, they are no Maven projects in Eclipse
> since the .project file has no Maven nature configuration inside it.
> Instead there is a comment: "NO_M2ECLIPSE_SUPPORT: Project files created
> with the maven-eclipse-plugin are not supported in M2Eclipse."
> Still it helps using mvn eclipse:eclipse I think.
> 2013/11/13 Hans Schwäbli <bugs.need.love....@gmail.com>
>> Btw. thank you (still angry because of that other issue).
>> 2013/11/13 Hans Schwäbli <bugs.need.love....@gmail.com>
>>> Okay, I see. I will try that. Sorry if I sounded a bit angry.
>>> Maybe it is because I had to spend a lot of time in an JBehave issue.
>>> I first described the bug in this forum. Then I was asked to fork the
>>> JBehave repository to reproduce it in the sources. After I registered at
>>> Github and learned how to do that I could not push it in the forked
>>> repository. So I attached the files and a patch to the Jira issue. This all
>>> took me quite some time.
>>> Now I read in the JIra comment and seen in the sources that my issue is
>>> not going to be fixed. If I was told that right from the start when I wrote
>>> about my problem in this forum, I would not had not lost so much time with
>>> no gain for me.
>>> 2013/11/13 louis gueye <louis.gu...@gmail.com>
>>>> .project and .classpath are not to be committed in the source file
>>>>  there is a maven goal that creates them for you based on the pom.xml
>>>> mvn idea:idea or mvn eclipse:eclipse
>>>> no need to be rude.
>>>> Cordialement/Regards,
>>>> Louis GUEYE
>>>> linkedin <http://fr.linkedin.com/in/louisgueye> | 
>>>> blog<http://deepintojee.wordpress.com/>|
>>>> twitter <http://twitter.com/#%21/lgueye>
>>>> 2013/11/13 Hans Schwäbli <bugs.need.love....@gmail.com>
>>>>> When I clone the JBehave sources, like jbehave-core, there is no
>>>>> .project and .classpath file inside the sources.
>>>>> So it cannot be imported and run in Eclipse.
>>>>> Aren't you JBehave developers working with Eclipse at all?
>>>>> How do you expect contributors to deal with this missing files? Do I
>>>>> have to create and copy them myself in each project folder?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Andreas Ebbert-Karroum | Agile Principal Consultant

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