More generally, you could extend JUnitStories to provide a common configuration 
and steps context to different set of stories.

> On 5 Feb 2014, at 11:29, Hans Schwäbli <> wrote:
> Great idea, thank you!
> As it seems the JBehave editor uses the input from the JUnitStory class.
> We will try your solution.
> 2014-02-05 Bernardo Pinto <>:
>> Yes, it is.
>> Each one of your class that represents a story can extend JUnitStory.
>> If you override the candidateSteps() method in the JUnitStory, you can add 
>> the step classes that you want. Something like this:
>> abstract class StoryGroupOne extends JUnitStory {
>>   @Override
>>   public List<CandidateSteps> candidateSteps() {
>>     return new InstanceStepsFactory(new StepsClassOne(), new 
>> StepsClassTwo()).createCandidateSteps();
>>   }
>> }
>> abstract class StoryGroupTwo extends JUnitStory {
>>   @Override
>>   public List<CandidateSteps> candidateSteps() {
>>     return new InstanceStepsFactory(new StepsClassThree(), new 
>> StepsClassFour()).createCandidateSteps();
>>   }
>> }
>> public class StoryOne extends StoryGroupOne {}
>> public class StoryTwo extends StoryGroupTwo {}
>> This way, StoryOne only has access to the steps in StepsClassOne and 
>> StesClassTwo and StoryTwo only has access to steps in StepsClassThree and 
>> StepsClassFour.
>> Bernardo Oliveira Pinto
>> Byclosure, Lda.
>> Mail:
>> Web:
>>> On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Hans Schwäbli 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> The application under test contains several different functional modules to 
>>> test.
>>> These modules are tested by different testers.
>>> Currently, if a tester writes a JBehave story, the story editor proposes 
>>> all steps which exist for all modules.
>>> Is it possible to restrict which steps are proposed in JBehave so that only 
>>> steps for a specific module are valid to be used in a story for that module?
>>> Of course we could create several Eclipse projects, each one for a specific 
>>> module of the application under test. But that seems to be over engineered 
>>> to me. If there is no other solution, we might have to go that way.
>>> I am currently looking for a solution inside JBehave to limit the steps 
>>> which are accessible in the JBehave editor. For example, can steps be 
>>> categorized and be imported in the story, so that only imported steps are 
>>> valid? That would be one solution if that is possible.
>>> Any ideas which might help us to solve this?

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