On 29 August 2014 00:10, Andrew Phillips <andr...@apache.org> wrote:
>> However that overrideLoginCredentialWith() method doesn't exist on the
>> EC2TemplateOptions.
> Which version of jclouds are you using, David? According to the Javadocs
> [1], EC2TemplateOptions should have a number of "overrideLogin*" methods.
> But you're right, there seems to be a typo there: I suspect the intended
> method is either "overrideLoginCredentials" or "overrideLoginPrivateKey".
> Hope that helps!

Thanks Andrew,

After some more experimenting I found out how it works. The
EC2TemplateOptions.keyPair() method takes the name of the key under
which you registered it with AWS. So it could be something as simple
as "davids_key" or something. I mistakenly thought that you had to
pass the actual public key content through that method.

To create instances that I can then later log into using my key, I'm
currently doing the following:
  AdminAccess bootInstructions =

  EC2TemplateOptions opts = EC2TemplateOptions.Builder
    .keyPair("davids_key") // the name I gave my key when I uploaded it to AWS

  TemplateBuilder templateBuilder = compute.templateBuilder();
  compute.createNodesInGroup("myGroupName", 1, templateBuilder.build());

This is working fine for me. I can also log into the instances created using
  ssh -i <myprivatekey> ec2-user@
If someone spots anything wrong with it, let me know :)



BTW I'm currently using JCouds 1.7.3

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