?I think we have an InternalUrlModule



From: Diego Parrilla SantamarĂ­a <diego.parrilla.santama...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 6:13 PM
To: user@jclouds.apache.org
Subject: Select internalURL endpoints for OpenStack Services

Hi folks,

we are using JClouds for keystone management, but we are also starting to use 
it for other Openstack services like Nova.

By default it seems that the default endpoint type is always 'publicURL', but 
we would like to allow our customers to select between 'internalURL' and 

So the question is: How can we configure our code to choose between the 
different endpoint types returned by the API. BTW, our code look like this:

Iterable<Module> modules = ImmutableSet.<Module> of(new Log4JLoggingModule());

ContextBuilder builderNova = ContextBuilder




.credentials(tenant + ":" + username, password);

NovaApi novaApi = builderNova.buildApi(NovaApi.class);


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