Thanks, not a problem. Here's what I came up with:
ComputeServiceContext computeServiceContext = ...;
NovaApi api = computeServiceContext.unwrapApi(NovaApi.class);
FlavorApi flavorApi = api.getFlavorApiForZone(...);
ImageApi imageApi = api.getImageApi(...);
Image i = imageApi.get(...);
FluentIterable<?extends Resource> flavors =
new Predicate<Flavor>() {
@Override public boolean apply(Flavor input) {
return input.getDisk() >=i.getMinDisk() && input.getRam()
--Ryan On Jun15 1:57 PM, Ignasi Barrera wrote:
Hi Ryan,
Apologies for the late reply.
Unfortunately there is no such helper. The current jclouds portable
model does not have those minimum requirements represented in the
Image entity (which would be a nice to have, btw) so there is no
portable filter yet.
El 7 jun. 2016 9:33 p. m., "Ryan Shoemaker"
<>> escribió:
Hi, Is there a built-in helper method that returns only those
flavors meeting the minimum requirements specified by a given
image? Thanks, --Ryan