I followed the instructions but still i am getting the same errors in
the same java file.

This time, going by the attached output, you have a test failure?

Results :

Failed tests:
BackoffLimitedRetryJavaTest>BaseMockWebServerTest.setupSSL:57 ยป Runtime java.n...

It looks like you local DNS is set up in a way that the mock server can't get its own DNS name:

Caused by: java.net.UnknownHostException: user-Latitude-E6420: user-Latitude-E6420: unknown error
        at java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost(InetAddress.java:1505)

Could you try to build this on a different machine? Alternatively, you could try 'mvn package -DskipTests'.

Out of curiosity, why are you looking to compile jclouds locally, as opposed to using the published snapshot builds? Are you looking to make any changes to the code?



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