We already support multipart uploads for Swift.

Just set the multipart property to true, and the blob will be broken apart, 
uploaded in parallel, and the manifest will be created automatically.

You will have to try the 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT version for the parallel upload.

There is some example code here: 

There is also a PR for the examples that will be merged after we release 2.0, 
specifically for the new parallel code in 2.0: 

From: Alexandr Porunov <alexandr.poru...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 1:40 PM
To: user@jclouds.apache.org
Subject: Does jclouds support SLO for OpenStack Swift?


To merge several objects into one we have to send a JSON file into the Swift 
with the quary parameter "multipart-manifest=put".
Is it possible to add one more query parameters when we create an object with 
the jclouds?


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