
I've been using JClouds (version 1.5.2 and 1.6)  to read/write to an OpenStack 
object store using the "swift-keystone" provider/api and I've recently run into 
some trouble. For the last few months, everything has been working fine but 
recently our cloud provider (NeCTAR, University of Melbourne if anyone cares) 
has added a second object store endpoint that gets listed via keystone. We've 
gone from a (heavily edited) response from keystone like this:

     serviceCatalog: [
           type: "object-store"
           endpoints: [
                adminURL: "http://aaa";
                region : "foo"
                publicUrl : "http://aaa";

To this:

     serviceCatalog: [
           type: "object-store"
           endpoints: [
                adminURL: "http://aaa";
                region : "foo"
                publicUrl : "http://aaa";
                adminUrl: "http://bbb
                region : "bar"
                publicUrl : "http://bbb";

JClouds (both 1.5.2 and 1.6) seem to be pick the last endpoint listed which is 
causing all of our requests to get redirected to an object store that we don't 
want to use. Is there any way of specifying a region filter in our blob store 
configuration? I've been trawling through documentation and source code but I 
haven't found anything. Are there any plans to add this kind of feature to 
JClouds if it's not there already?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Josh Vote

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