Sure it helps! As soon as I have this implemented I'll create the pull request. Should I open an issue in Jira for this?
From: Ignasi [] Sent: jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013 16:14 To: Carlos Garcia Ibañez Cc: <>; Subject: Re: [jclouds-labs/abiquo] - Access to a Virtual Machine from the Volume entity Hi Carlos, There is no such method in the Volume domain class. However, the AbiquoApi has a generic way to retrieve arbitrary links links [1]. You could add the missing method to the Volume entity using that api in a similar way it is done in the VirtualMachine object to get its parent Virtual Appliance [2]. HTH! Ignasi [1] [2] On 24 October 2013 16:06, Carlos Garcia Ibañez <<>> wrote: Hi all. I'm trying to retrieve the Virtual Machine a volume entity is attached to from the volume object itself, but I cannot find any getVirtualMachine() method in this class. Nevertheless, I've noticed that the Abiquo REST representation for an attached volume contains a link "virtualmachine" that points to the corresponding virtual machine: <volume> <link href="http://x.x.x.x/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters/323/volumes/79737" rel="edit" type="application/vnd.abiquo.volume+xml"/> <link href="http://x.x.x.x/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters/323/volumes/79737/action/initiatormappings" rel="initiator mappings" type="application/vnd.abiquo.initiatormappings+xml"/> <link href="http://x.x.x.x/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters/323/tiers/1" rel="tier" title="Storage SATA RAID 5" type="application/vnd.abiquo.tier+xml"/> <link href="http://x.x.x.x/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters/323/virtualappliances/286" rel="virtualappliance" title="Virtual Appliance: 1" type="application/vnd.abiquo.virtualappliance+xml"/> <link href="http://x.x.x.x/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters/323" rel="virtualdatacenter" title="andres.cuesta###NECMKPId###" type="application/vnd.abiquo.virtualdatacenter+xml"/> <link href="http://x.x.x.x/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters/323/virtualappliances/286/virtualmachines/426" rel="virtualmachine" title="ABQ_54666a35-aa07-4303-9bc7-b6064d6875d0" type="application/vnd.abiquo.virtualmachine+xml"/> <id>79737</id> <name>resizing-test</name> <description>test</description> <state>ATTACHED</state> <sizeInMB>8192</sizeInMB> <sequence>0</sequence> </volume> I'd like to know if there is a standard way to access this information through the jclouds framework. If not, I'd be glad to implement this functionality, as long as you give me some hints about how to do it :) Thanks a lot and kind regards. [cid:image001.jpg@01CED0D6.96D31E00] Click here<!FsZSp5MXJKMEPvcLww7UsX!sYT9IPN0A==> to report this email as spam.
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