Hello Bruce,

A little note about
looking at code it seems to me synchronization can only work if one JVM is
used right ?
Note that if you're willing to, your feature could be useful in JMeter and
answser user enhancement request:

   - https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=43384

And I agree with you sharing WRITE ALSO data between threads is a bad idea
and maybe reveals a Test Plan misconception.


On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 3:58 PM, Bruce Ide <flyingrhenqu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Usually you don't want to do that. Threads make your test much more
> complicated, and you must take into account timing, locking and
> synchronization issues that can make things very unpredictable. In the vast
> majority of cases where someone is attempting to use threads, there is no
> reason to. If your test has the same user doing things one after another
> and you're trying to use threads to do this, rewrite your test to be
> linear.
> If you really must use threads after all that discouraging, I wrote a small
> plugin that enables passing data between threads. There are probably more
> intuitive ways it could work, but it worked for what I needed it to. You
> can find it at https://github.com/FlyingRhenquest/JmeterThreadGlobal. You
> might also want to look at my thread synchronization plugin, which I like
> slightly more than the stock jmeter thread synchronization time.
> https://github.com/FlyingRhenquest/JmeterThreadSync.
> --
> Bruce Ide
> flyingrhenqu...@gmail.com

Philippe Mouawad.

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