Sorry about that, pressed send by mistake, I updated bellow the rest of the

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 2:52 PM, Adrian Speteanu <>wrote:

> Hi.
> The two questions are incompatible. And also number 2. creates problems
> with number 1. Please read on the subject, it was already answered in the
> mailing list before.
> As for #1, let me give an example of a test I'm running at the moment (but
> its not standard and it depends on the setup and this particular test):
>  * test system:
>       - machine used to generate traffic: dual processor (6 physical cores
> each, 24 threads total) with 64Gb RAM, 15k RPM disks, running CentOS linux
>       - jmeter 2.9 (also used 2.8 with comparable results)
>  * test requirements:
>       - generate 30 thousands requests per second
In order to generate this much traffic with one single machine, I have
tested multiple setups and configs and eventually used 10-12 instances of
JMeter, each spawning 3500 threads. The throughput is limited per instance
using the Constant throughput controller, so it reaches the desired level.
This setup is required in order to generate a stable and predictable
throughput from JMeter.

Obviously, monitoring client side (JMeter) is inexistent (apart from
summary in console), unless I suspect fowl play. Monitoring is done at
application level. JMeter just gives me the load the app under test
requires. In order to add monitoring from JMeter, I have to write a jtl,
which significantly reduces throughput that I can generate, so when I do
use it, only one out of 10-12 instances writes to disk.


> On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 7:52 AM, Amit Kumar <> wrote:
>> Dear All:
>> I have couple of simple queries, please confirm:
>> 1. How much threads are supported by a single machine at a time (I heard
>> 300, right?)?
>> 2. In Listeners(Table/Tree): Some requests appear with warning(red
>> symbol), what does it mean? Does it mean that those requests are failed?
>> [Please refer screen shot].
>> --
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Amit
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