Also if you have shell access to the server host: try running a short
test directly on the server.
A non-GUI test should be sufficient to show if the server has all the
software it needs.

On 23 June 2017 at 07:09, Ivan Rancati <> wrote:
> Not sure. I would try remote execution with a normal JMeter listener, for
> example a plain http request
> If that works: there is a problem with the JMeter plugin you are using,
> contact the plugin maintainer
> If the remote http request also generates the below error: probably the
> local and remote java vms cannot communicate, check that the ports you are
> using are open (netstat on the remote and/or nc on the local)
> On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 5:07 PM, Anil Gaur <> wrote:
>> I have added the plugin to slave as well but now i am getting below error.
>> 2017-06-22 08:05:03,846 ERROR o.a.j.e.ClientJMeterEngine: Error in
>> rconfigure() method java.rmi.MarshalException: error marshalling arguments;
>> nested exception is:
>> Software caused connection abort: socket write
>> error

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