Looks like a application bug..probably a deadlock

On Mon, 17 Jun 2019, 22:11 Felix Schumacher, <
felix.schumac...@internetallee.de> wrote:

> Am 17.06.19 um 15:32 schrieb Alistair Evans:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm encountering a strange problem when running our JMeter test plan.
> >
> > I effectively get a halt to all JMeter activity for up to 60 seconds (a
> strangely round number) in the middle of the test. JMeter treats this as
> elapsed time when it processes the HTTP responses after the delay, so we
> get a spike in our response times graph (screenshot available here:
> https://imgur.com/ayKTzOU).
> Are you sure it is JMeter that is hanging for 60 seconds? Have you had a
> look at the system under test? Maybe use another JMeter instance with
> less load to look, if you get the same 60 seconds period of hangup.
> Is this halt reproducible? If so take a few threaddumps at those times
> (both on JMeter side and the server side).
> >
> > Test Description: A typical test contains 1000 users, over 2 hours, with
> a 15 minute ramp time on requests. Randomised delays are present between
> all requests.
> >
> > Platform Details from JMeter Log:
> > Version 5.1.1 r1855137
> > java.version=1.8.0_211
> > java.vm.name=Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
> > os.name=Windows 10
> > os.arch=amd64
> > os.version=10.0
> > file.encoding=Cp1252
> > java.awt.headless=true
> > Max memory     =7654604800
> > Available Processors =4
> > Default Locale=English (EN)
> > JMeter  Locale=English (EN)
> >
> > During this window of zero activity (in these examples between 11:38:44
> and 11:39:44), I have determined the following:
> >
> >
> > -          During this window there are zero HTTP requests being
> processed by the application servers.
> As written above, have a look at the state of the server, too.
> >
> >
> > -          After the delay, JMeter issues any requests whose delay
> timers have passed (no timers are longer than 1 or 2 seconds), causing a
> spike in requests.
> That is expected and a feature for JMeter waiting to be implemented
> (that is handling these kind of overload gracefully and notifying the
> user about such an overload period).
> >
> >
> > -          Processor usage on the load source box where JMeter is
> running drops to almost zero during this period (you can see the perfmon
> capture for the test on the JMeter box here: https://imgur.com/vgVhB1X).
> Not unsual, waiting on locks or the server doesn't need much cpu.
> >
> >
> >
> > -          Disk queue length is also zero, which suggests it isn't a
> case of Windows blocking a process when it opens a file handle.
> >
> >
> > -          I've turned on GC Verbose logging, because my initial
> suspicion was GC STW pauses, but weirdly no GC happens at all during that
> period, the GC logs reports 60 seconds of application time, when normal
> time between GC is 1 second or less; here's an extract of the log:
> >
> >
> > Metaspace       used 53031K, capacity 83842K, committed 101364K,
> reserved 1112064K
> >   class space    used 8006K, capacity 20674K, committed 38132K, reserved
> 1048576K
> > }
> > [Times: user=0.19 sys=0.00, real=0.05 secs]
> > 2019-06-17T11:38:44.243+0100: 1550.963: Total time for which application
> threads were stopped: 0.0541356 seconds, Stopping threads took: 0.0002249
> seconds
> > 2019-06-17T11:38:44.246+0100: 1550.967: [GC
> concurrent-string-deduplication, 2702.9K->1178.3K(1524.6K), avg 54.2%,
> 0.0038746 secs]
> > 2019-06-17T11:39:44.846+0100: 1611.566: Application time: 60.6031019
> seconds
> > {Heap before GC invocations=1196 (full 1):
> > garbage-first heap   total 7475200K, used 3054884K [0x0000000628400000,
> 0x0000000628607210, 0x00000007f0800000)
> >   region size 2048K, 256 young (524288K), 32 survivors (65536K)
> > Metaspace       used 53616K, capacity 85276K, committed 102388K,
> reserved 1114112K
> Nice to now that GC -- or rather memory usage -- is not a problem here.
> >
> > -          If I turn on some of the debug logging in JMeter, (for the
> network activity), then JMeter does still write to the log during this
> period, but at a drastically reduced rate; for example, typically the
> PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager generates a 'Closing connections idle
> longer than 1 MICROSECONDS' log up to 10 times per second, but during this
> period it writes that message zero times.
> Probably because all connections are still used waiting for the server.
> >
> >
> > -          Changing GC settings does have some effect on the frequency
> of this issue happening. With the default GC settings it happens quite
> often (multiple times per test). I'm currently running the following custom
> GC options, which reduces the frequency of the problem to about 50%
> probability of it happening once during a test:
> >
> >
> >
> > -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
> >
> > -Xms7299m
> >
> > -Xmx7299m
> >
> > -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m
> >
> > -XX:+UseG1GC
> >
> > -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100
> >
> > -XX:G1ReservePercent=20
> >
> > -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch
> >
> > -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled
> >
> > -XX:+UseStringDeduplication
> >
> > -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses
> >
> > -XX:NewSize=512m
> >
> > -XX:MaxNewSize=3g
> >
> > -XX:NewRatio=2
> >
> > -XX:MaxMetaspaceExpansion=64M
> Wow, that are a lot of GC options. I tend to start without any GC
> options (except Xmx/Xms) and only add more if there are problems with GC.
> >
> >
> >
> > Any clues as to additional logging to further investigate, or JMeter
> settings to change, would be greatly appreciated.
> Take threaddumps when the halt is happening.
> Felix
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Alistair
> >
> > ==================================================================
> > Alistair Evans
> > Chief Software Architect for Wholesale Banking
> > 7 Layer Solutions Limited
> > Tel: +44 (0)1242 225520
> > Email: alistair.ev...@7layer.net<mailto:alistair.ev...@7layer.net>
> > Web: www.7layer.net<http://www.7layer.net/>
> > ==================================================================
> >
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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