Am 22. August 2019 11:21:30 MESZ schrieb "" 
> Hi,
>No, I am not sending client certs from the Jmeter at all.  That is the
>puzzling thing.  Again, the weird thing is that this test plan was
>working fine until I tried to change that one command line parameter in
>the OS Process Sampler to a variable that comes from the CSV element.

What happens, when you use the old test again? 

Have you checked all certificates (including those of the servers) for 

>On Thursday, August 22, 2019, 7:39:56 AM UTC, Felix Schumacher
><> wrote:  
>Are you using client certificates for authentication? Maybe they are
>Am 22. August 2019 00:06:03 MESZ schrieb ""
>>As I described previously, I have a test plan that has:
>>   - OS Process Sampler ==> Runs a Java app to produce string for a
>>POST BODY   - HTTP Request ==> Does an HTTP POST to a URL like
>>This test plan was working fine.
>>The OS Process Sampler was running a Java command line and that
>>included a file path as one of the parameters, but I wanted to
>>parameterize that file path parameter, getting the file path from a
>>So I created a text file, "list-gsp-parameter-files.csv" that
>>However, when I run the test plan now, it is getting an error when it
>>does the HTTP request, I am getting this error:
>> Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
>>    at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor58.newInstance(Unknown
>>    at
>>    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
>>    at$
>>    at$
>>    at Method)
>>    at
>>    at
>>    at
>>    at Source)
>>    at
>>    at
>>    at
>>    at
>>    at
>>    at
>>    at
>>    at
>>    at
>>    at
>>    at
>>    at
>>    at
>>    at
>>    at Source)
>>I can't figure out why, with just making the change that I made to the
>>test plan, the HTTP Request is all of a sudden getting that
>>"unknown_ca" error, when it was working fine before?
>>Does anyone know what might be wrong, and also how I can get this

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