
First of all, I wish the thank all the people that contributed to the
release of 5.4.1.

This is the best-ever release of Jmeter ! Well done !

I’m currently installing it on the performance labs everywhere.

One issue still remains regarding the JSON path Tester –

While switching from TEXT to JSON path Tester, both the Sampler result tab
as well as the Request tab disappear.

It would be much more usable having the JSON path Tester displayed inside
the Response data tab, instead of hiding an above-mentioned couple of tabs.

Thank you very much,




*Shay Ginsbourg*

*Performance, Automation, and Load Testing Expert. *

*Regulatory Affairs Consultant for Medical Software.*

*(Since 2008)*


Formerly QA Manager of LoadRunner at Mercury Interactive

M.Sc. cum laude in Bio-Medical Engineering

M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering

Mobile:  +972(0)54-6690915
Email: sginsbo...@gmail.com

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