Am 28.04.21 um 19:59 schrieb Prateek Dua:
> Hi Felix,
> Please find response to your queries.
> How did you add the certificate (note, that it has to include the private
> key, too) into your (configured) keystore?
> 1. I used tool keystore Explorer to convert original client certificate (
> abc.crt) to 'mycert.PKCS#12' . Further I converted mycert.PKCS#12' to .jks
> as 'JMeterjks.jks' using below cmd
> keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore certificate.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12
> -srcstorepass <certificate_password> -keystore <keystore_filename>
> -storepass <stored_password>
> 2. Then I configured below lines of '' file to input
> JMeterjks.jks details
> # Keystore properties (client certificates)
> # Location
> #The password to your keystore
> 3. Added user defined variable *'*certi_val' bearing alias 'jmeter_certi'
> as value of it under Test plan. And giving the same variable name
> 'certi_val' into 'Variable name holding certificate alias' of Keystore
> config component of JMeter
> xCan you list the entries in the keystore and show it to us?
> It's basically a public key. Please find the key details.
> GO-MAC-PRATEEKDUA:~ prateekdua$ keytool -list -keystore
> /Users/prateekdua/Downloads/crt/JMeterjks
> Enter keystore password:
> Keystore type: JKS
> Keystore provider: SUN
> Your keystore contains 1 entry
> jmeter_certi, 28 Apr, 2021, trustedCertEntry,
> Certificate fingerprint (SHA1):
> E8:AB:4D:7B:46:98:8E:5E:FD:36:83:C4:A9:D0:83:C3:E1:76:FD:84

I am not sure, you are looking at the right end of the problem.

If you have a trusted cert (and not a private key plus its corresponding
cert), you don't need a key store, but a trust store.

Having a client cert without a private key is almost useless (as a
client), as you can't use it to authenticate yourself with it.

The name of the cert you posted in some mails earlier indicated, that it
was a server (wildcard) certificate and not a client certificate.

Are you sure, that you need a cert to authenticate? Maybe you (only)
want to certify, that you are talking to the right server. (then you
would need either the public key of the server or better the public cert
of the CA that signed the servers public key)

To get back to you original problem. You showed an error (500,
Exception: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNKNOWN) that came from the
server. Did you have a look at the server logs to find out more about
the problem the server had with your request?


> Thanks,
> Prateek
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 6:57 PM Felix Schumacher <
>> wrote:
>> Am 25.04.21 um 18:27 schrieb Prateek Dua:
>> Hi Felix,
>> Thanks for your valuable suggestion. I did same earlier by updating to
>> guava.23.0 jar and resolved this error. But now I'm getting new error while
>> hitting grpc request -- good thing is that grpc based requests are getting
>> created now..
>> Response code: 500
>> Response message: Exception: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNKNOWN
>> Caught exception while waiting for rpc
>> My request is unable to reach out to server handling grpc request via
>> JMeter. I cross-checked it using another application *BloomRPC clien*t
>> for validating grpc based requests and it's working fine through it.
>> Is there any problem related to Client side Certificate ( .crt file needed
>> to validate server & request for client) which is not getting correctly
>> handled in my case via JMeter.* I did following stuff to
>> use certificate using JMeter*
>> Converted .crt based certificate to .jks and sconfigured in below paths
>> with required password..
>>  *1. file of JMeter*
>> # Keystore properties (client certificates)
>> # Location
>> **
>> #
>> #The password to your keystore
>> *^^^^^@^^^^*
>> #
>> [default = KeyStore.getDefaultType()]
>> 2. Added .jks certificate as *'jssecacerts'* file under
>> lib/security/jssecacerts path of installed java.
>> /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_91.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/security/jssecacerts
>> 3. Configured the same *'jssecacerts' *file path too in *s*
>> ** file of JMeter for following lines..
>> # Truststore properties (trusted certificates)
>> *
>> *^^^^^@^^^^
>> [default = KeyStore.getDefaultType()]
>> But still getting above highlighted error in red..
>> How did you add the certificate (note, that it has to include the private
>> key, too) into your (configured) keystore?
>> Can you list the entries in the keystore and show it to us?
>> For example, when I use the keystore for RMI that can be generated by a
>> shell script in the bin folder, I would use the following command and
>> expect some output like
>> $ keytool -list -keystore bin/rmi_keystore.jks
>> Enter keystore password:
>> Keystore type: PKCS12
>> Keystore provider: SUN
>> Your keystore contains 1 entry
>> rmi, Jan 23, 2018, PrivateKeyEntry,
>> Certificate fingerprint (SHA1):
>> D7:E4:FA:61:8F:52:8D:BA:09:10:D5:4F:F1:21:C6:AA:5C:10:0D:38
>> The alias of the client certifficate (Note the PrivateKeyEntry) is "rmi".
>> If you want to use the KeyStore Configuration, that value (rmi) has to be
>> put into a variable (for example "cert_name") and the string "cert_name"
>> would have to placed in the KeyStore Configuration field "Variable name
>> holding certificate alias". That configuration is meant to be used, if you
>> have more than one alias (read key/certificate) in your keystore and want
>> to change the usage of the certificate based on variables in the plan.
>> If you have only one certificate, that might be a bit overkill.
>> Also note, that the KeyStore Configuration is meant to be used with the
>> HTTP Sampler from JMeter (especially the HTTPClient 4 implementation). Make
>> sure, that it works with your sampler (by asking the third party plugin
>> developer?).
>> Regards
>>  Felix
>> Thanks,
>> Prateek
>> On Sat, Apr 24, 2021 at 4:40 PM Felix Schumacher <
>>> wrote:
>>> Am 20.04.21 um 09:34 schrieb Prateek Dua:
>>> Hi Team,
>>> Need your help here in sorting this out problem related to hitting grpc
>>> based requests where I'm receiving below error...
>>> 2021-04-19 14:07:41,552 ERROR o.a.j.JMeter: Uncaught exception:
>>> *java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
>>> at
>>> vn.zalopay.benchmark.core.grpc.ChannelFactory.createChannelBuilder(
>>> ~[jmeter-grpc-request-1.1.2.jar:?]
>>> This is a third party plugin, so you should try to get help by the
>>> authors of that plugin.
>>> That said. If you google for "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
>>> probably would have found links similar to the bug report
>>> The plugin
>>> seems to depend on a newer version of guava, than is available in your
>>> classpath.
>>> I would try to locate a jar named guava*.jar in lib/** and update it to a
>>> newer one. Beware, I haven't used that plugin and haven't tried the
>>> solution.
>>> Felix
>>> Please find attached my test plan and error details..
>>> Screenshots uploaded to
>>> [image: Screenshot 2021-04-19 at 2.26.04 PM.png]
>>> *Following steps I've done for setting up grpc based requests for my
>>> JMeter 4.0*
>>> 1. Added jar file  'jmeter-grpc-request-1.1.2.jar' under ext/lib folder.
>>> Got this jar file from 
>>> *
>>> <>. *
>>> 2*.  *grpc-client-1.2.0.jar , grpc-protobuf-1.1.2.jar
>>> , grpc-stub-1.1.2.jar are the pred added grpc jar files present
>>> under ext/lib folder.
>>> 3. There is extra client side certificate *"**abc.crt"* shared by client
>>> that is needed for authenticating current grpc requests. So I converted it
>>> to *.jks *using below *keytool *command..
>>> *keytool -*import -alias alias -file
>>> /Users/prateekdua/Downloads/abc.crt  -keypass keypass -keystore
>>> yourkeystore.jks -storepass sub
>>> 4. And I've stored converted *.jks *certificate inside bin folder of
>>> JMeter.
>>> 5. Configured ** file of JMeter for following lines
>>> # Keystore properties (client certificates)
>>> # Location
>>> #The password to your keystore
>>> Thanks,
>>> Prateek

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