Hi Juan Pablo,

I think it would be easier for now to stick to "extensions/woas" a M2 module since it allows to test the Ant & M2 build using the GitHub repo

Some thoughts along the line

* I can contribute with the M2 build but not this week
* If that works out we need to check licensing stuff - e.g. "launch4j-maven-plugin" is GPLed whereas launch4j is partly MIT and BSD license
* Not sure about MacOS application skeleton file in "woas/resources/macos/"
* Looking at the licensing questions regarding installer we might consider to get a free license of a commercial tool - suggestions out there? I' using a commercial license of install4j (and there are actually good reasons to do that)

Thanks in advance

Siegfried Goeschl

On 22.10.13 21:19, Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez wrote:

was doing some tests to see if we could add up another module to the SVN, capable of mimicking WOAS, but I'm thinking I'm hit by http://sourceforge.net/p/launch4j/bugs/66/

would anyone mind doing a quick test to see if it's me or the previous bug? launch4j log isn't specially descriptive..

1.- on trunk, create a new folder, jspwiki-portable, next to jspwiki-war and jspwiki-it-tests 2.- on trunk, edit base pom.xml and add <module>jspwiki-portable</module> on line 57 3.- on trunk/jspwiki-portable create src/main/resources/icon and place there jspwiki.ico included in $WOAS/extensions/woas/resources/windows 4.- on trunk/jspwiki-portable create pom.xml and add the contents from https://paste.apache.org/ecrN
5.- on trunk, mvn clean install
6.- that should generate trunk/jspwiki-portable/target/jspwiki-portable.exe (right as a POC, only windows executable)

I haven't committed this to trunk yet b/c I'm not sure if the generated executable is well-formed.. As additional information regarding the module, it uses launch4j-maven-plugin 1.5.2, [#1] which seems to use launchj 3.0.2 (as per github comments on [#1]/tree/master/src/main). The jar generated by tomcat7-maven-plugin is executable via java -jar target/jspwiki-portable-2.10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, which enables a working http://localhost:8080/JSPWiki

thanks & br,
juan pablo

[#1]: https://github.com/lukaszlenart/launch4j-maven-plugin

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Dave Koelmeyer <dave.koelme...@davekoelmeyer.co.nz <mailto:dave.koelme...@davekoelmeyer.co.nz>> wrote:

    On 17/10/13 06:59 PM, Siegfried Goeschl wrote:

        Looks like a mess with the buid.xml

        - i overwrite the jspwiki ./build.xml file which allows
        calling the woas build.xml
        - i have a separate woas/buid.xml wich is invoked by ./build.xml

        I think you are missing my ./build.xml

    Hi Siegfried,

    Thanks, - I managed to get this built and it seems to work well.
    However there were a couple of deviations from the README which I
    had to make. First, the WOAS build will fail at the point the
    JSPWiki.war file is to be unpacked (line 68 of
    ./extensions/woas/build.xml). This implied that not only does
    JSPWiki source code have to be checked out, but it also has to be
    first built (I simply ran ant war in the checkout directory)
    before building WOAS - is this correct? If so perhaps this should
    be noted in the README.

    Second, the README makes reference to overwriting the build.xml
    file contained within the checkout directory with
    ./extensions/woas/build.xml. However, after first running ant war
    on the checkout directory to build JSPWiki, I then went to
    ./extensions/woas/ and executed ant
    '-Dbuild.properties=woas.properties -Djspwiki.test.skip=true
    woas-clean woas-dist'. WOAS built fine without errors. So I'm a
    little confused in which order copying/overwriting build.xml files
    should take place. There is also the presence of a third build.xml
    file (along with a woas.properties file) within the extracted
    "jspwiki-on-a-stick-master" directory which contains the
    "extensions" sub-directory - I don't know how or if these two
    files are supposed to be used, as the README only makes reference
    to using the extensions directory from the extracted WOAS zip file.

    Long story short, I created some self-documentation (in JSPWiki,
    naturally) which details what worked for men - do you see any
    problems with this?

    Last, WOAS will throw an error when navigating to the User
    Preferences page - I can raise this as an issue in Github if you like?


            Am 16.10.2013 um 10:14 schrieb Dave Koelmeyer

                On 15/10/13 09:20 PM, Dave Koelmeyer wrote:

                    On 15/10/13 06:36 PM, Siegfried Goeschl wrote:
                    Hi Dave,

                    upgraded to JSPWiki 2.9.1 and it should work for
                    Linux and Mac OS X - not sure for Windows native
                    launcher since I don't use it

            Hi Siegfried,

            Just trying to build WOAS on an Ubuntu 12.04 system. When
            attempting to run the ant command I get the following
            build error:

            $ ant -Dbuild.properties=woas.properties
            -Djspwiki.test.skip=true woas-clean woas-dist

            BUILD FAILED
            Target "woas-clean" does not exist in the project "woas".

            Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


-- Dave Koelmeyer

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