Hi Paul,

that's a fair point, indeed you're probably referring to
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JSPWIKI-1051 which was fixed in
2.10.3-git-33, so anyone downloading 2.10.2 will probably step into the
same problem. I'll try to reword the getting started guide his week to make
clearer the following points:

- instead of telling to copy the war, talk about deploying the war, like f.
ex., copying the file or using the gui. Point out that there are other ways
of using JSPWiki, like the self-executable or the Docker image
- signaling clearly which files / folders should be accesible by default
(pages, attachments, logs and ehcache files, IIRC)
- production-wise installations will probably need some degree of
- as an additional tip, point out that you could also download and compile
from master, which usually contains more fixes/features and also works

sounds reasonable? would that help out, or at least clarify things? Note
that all these points are noted on the "customizing your installation"
section which follows the "quick and simple install" section; although I
realise it's easy to not read the former when you've stumbled into an error
on the latter..

juan pablo

On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 2:39 PM, Rick Brockman <r...@richardbrockman.info>

> Not too late as far as I'm concerned and I concur totally with Paul
> Uszak...thanks to all !
> On 2017-11-13 06:09, Paul Uszak wrote:
> > Well it's not too late to have the conversation :-) or is it :-(
> >
> >> The pre-Install.jsp step shouldn't be more difficult than performing a
> >> normal deploy of a war file, through usual means.
> >
> > That's the problem.  Non of this is defined.  MY usual means is to  use
> the
> > manager application and deploy via the Tomcat GUI.  So you navigate to
> > JSPWiki.war and it's uploaded, deployed and started.  There is no concept
> > of "having access".  The access control thing is enabling you to use the
> > manager in the first place.  Tomcat then deploys it with tomcatX:tomcatX
> > permissions.  And tomcatX isn't even a proper user (can't log in).
> >
> > I think that the problem is with the default location of the wiki log
> > files.  Tomcat doesn't allow them to be created within it's context
> > directory without changing it's permissions, or (prior to starting the
> > context) changing the location of the wiki's log files.  And what else?
> > How is the automatic search index stored and where? So all this is beyond
> > the normal deployment method. You have to realise that a web /application
> > server looks differently to a developer than it does when it's in
> > production mode.  It's fine to run a local off grid web server as
> root:root
> > with 777 permissions everywhere when you're cutting code.  It's harder in
> > production. And an application server is always going to be more
> > complicated than a pure web server.
> >
> > This all makes the deployment not "simple". As soon as you have to invoke
> > chown and vim it gets "hard", especially for non developers /non
> > administrators.
> >
> > On 9 November 2017 at 20:48, Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez <
> > juanpablo.san...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Paul,
> >
> > as I've been mostly missing last month, I'm checking all related JSPWiki
> > mail, and I was wondering what kind of problems did you had performing a
> > clean deploy of JSPWiki. It's probably too late to help, but at least we
> > could document clearlier how to proceed in case of problems for upcoming
> > users.
> >
> > The pre-Install.jsp step shouldn't be more difficult than performing a
> > normal deploy of a war file, through usual means. As long as you have
> > enough permissions on your server/machine to do that, everything should
> go
> > fine. And if it doesn't, tomcat's logs (or whatever server you're using)
> > should point out what is going wrong. There no need for anything else.
> This
> > obviously changes as soon as you have limited access to your
> > server/machine, but also in that case JSPWiki logs should point to
> whatever
> > is happening..
> >
> > best regards,
> > juan pablo
> >
> > On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 4:56 AM, Paul Uszak <paul.us...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Further to recent "complexity" discussions, what is the protocol for
> > installing JSPWiki via the Tomcat manager gui please?
> >
> > I followed the simple installation guide but it fails at step 3.  I
> > deployed the jar file with the gui and that was successful.  A JSPWiki (I
> > left the default name) directory appeared with all of the relevant files.
> > Going to Install.jsp returns a 404 error unfortunately, but the context
> is up and running.    All of the files are owned by tomcat7 /tomcat7., and
> > it's running on a high port.  So I've fallen down at the first hurdle :-(
> > I vaguely remember that all of the permissions have to be customised (or
> > something).
> >
> > It's been a couple of years since I installed it last time, but I
> remember that it took a while.  The instructions don't seem to mention
> anything
> > about users /groups.  All they say is that "I" need access to the tomcat
> > area.  But I don't as that's what deployment does.  What are the other
> > steps prior to navigating to "Install.jsp"?
> >
> > Thanks all.
> --
> -------------------------
> _607 434-4746_

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