Hi Jerry,


See step-3 / adding styles to the LeftMenu page

The trick is to add the %%add-css block only to the LeftMenu page.
This page is included in the sidebar, which is rendered *every time* a
users accesses a jspwiki page (view, edit, userprefs, etc...)
This way you can make style changes that apply across all pages.

Hope this helps

On Fri, Jul 5, 2019 at 6:33 AM Jerry Malcolm <techst...@malcolms.com> wrote:

> Dirk, et al.... now a question that is completely unrelated to the
> previous saga....  I would like to change the upper left logo to my
> client's site logo.  I read the doc about how to do this using the
> %%add-css blocks.  But from what I can tell in the documentation, it
> appears that I have to re-add that same block of code to every page in
> the entire wiki.  I couldn't find an explanation or example of how to do
> it globally.  Is it true that i need to add that entire block of code to
> every page that I want to change the logo on (which is every page in the
> entire wiki)  Or is there a way to add that %%add-css code once and have
> it apply across all pages?
> Thx again.
> Jerry

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