Hi Ulf,

Would you mind sharing how your Apache instance is set up? Does it show to
which URL is trying to access the second time?

Thx in advance,
juan pablo

El sáb, 24 feb 2024, 18:23, Ulf Dittmer <ulf.ditt...@googlemail.com.invalid>

> Hi all-
> I'm experiencing a strange problem, and was hoping someone might have run
> into this before.
> I'm running a JSPWiki site on Tomcat with an Apache in front of it. The
> Apache refuses an edit of a very simple page with a "Forbidden - You don't
> have permission to access this resource.", namely for a page with just
> these two lines:
> [{Image src='
> https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png
> '
> }]
> [{Image src='
> https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png
> '
> }]
> (This is a minimized proof of concept of the behavior).
> With just one Image invocation, there's no problem. Running on a local
> machine without an Apache in front of it, there's no problem with as many
> Image elements as I want. The issue also happens if the Image references an
> attachment on that page.
> Has anyone seen anything like this? Or know why Apache might find this
> offensive?
> Thanks for any clues.
> Ulf

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