Make sure you debug configuration in Eclipse points to port 5005. By default it 
is 8000. Also once you are connected to this port the second try will fail. To 
ensure that you are not already connected to Karaf switch a perspective to 
debug and check the process/threads list.


> Tried with set KARAF_DEBUG=true before start karaf, and got:
> karaf.bat: Enabling Java debug options: -Xdebug -Xnoagent 
> -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,sus
> pend=n,address=5005
> Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
> But still got the same error L when try to debug a bundle project.
> Thanks.
> Xilai
> From: Łukasz Dywicki [mailto:l...@code-house.org] 
> Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 5:05 PM
> To: user@karaf.apache.org
> Subject: Re: How to set up the remote debug with karaf in eclipse indigo
> For windows users it won't be a export, it will be
> You can also add KARAF_DEBUG as user environment variable, but then every 
> time when'll start karaf you'll get a debug turned on, which might slow a bit 
> JVM.
> Regards,
> Lukasz
> Hi,
> Try to use
> export KARAF_DEBUG=true
> in the shell where you launch karaf to see if there's any difference, seems 
> the "bin/karaf debug" is incorrect, you should be able to see output like
> karaf: Enabling Java debug options: -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE 
> -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005
> Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
> if all set.
> Freeman
> On 2011-12-15, at 下午4:44, XiLai Dai wrote:
> Hi, Freeman,
> Run with bin\karaf.bat debug,  and got:
> TCP               LISTENING       3288
> When execute netstat –ano
> Thanks.
> Xilai
> From: Freeman Fang [mailto:freeman.f...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 4:34 PM
> To: user@karaf.apache.org
> Subject: Re: How to set up the remote debug with karaf in eclipse indigo
> Hi,
> How you enable karaf debug?
> Did you
> export KARAF_DEBUG=true
> in the shell before you launch Karaf?
> Freeman
> On 2011-12-15, at 下午4:20, XiLai Dai wrote:
> Hello, 
> Does anybody has the experience which setting up the debug environment with 
> eclipse indigo? 
> I did the following steps:
> 1. install EIK plugin from update site: 
> http://svn.codespot.com/a/eclipselabs.org/eik/trunk/features/info.evanchik.eclipse.karaf.update/
> 2. follow the steps of 
> http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/eik/wiki/UsingEIK 
> Then , start karaf 2.2.4 with debug option:   Listening for transport 
> dt_socket at address: 5005 
> Debug a bundle project from eclipse IDE, but always got:
> Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection refused.
> Connection refused: connect
> Thanks.
> Xilai
> ---------------------------------------------
> Freeman Fang
> FuseSource
> Email:ff...@fusesource.com
> Web: fusesource.com
> Twitter: freemanfang
> Blog: http://freemanfang.blogspot.com
> ---------------------------------------------
> Freeman Fang
> FuseSource
> Email:ff...@fusesource.com
> Web: fusesource.com
> Twitter: freemanfang
> Blog: http://freemanfang.blogspot.com

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