On 06/22/2012 08:28 AM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré wrote:
Hi Ramesh,
it's correct, but the service should be there. Take a look if you see
the corresponding service (using ls command for instance).
On 06/22/2012 03:11 PM, ramesh chandra wrote:
Is it wrong to pass reference interface to a bean from other bundle in
blueprint ?
In my service bundle, there is just one Impl class , and in blueprint I
am passing an interface (which is from another bundle ) as reference to
this class.
import *com.fromsomeotherbundle*.dao.ReqDAO;
public class ReqServiceImpl implements ReqService {
private ReqDAO reqDAO;
public ReqServiceImpl() {
// Requestor r = new Requestor();
public ReqServiceImpl(ReqDAO reqDAO) {
this.reqDAO = reqDAO;
public void addMember(Requestor requestor){
String rkey = requestor.getId();
String col1 = requestor.getCity();
String col2 = requestor.getCountry();
reqDAO.insertMulti(rkey, col1, col2);
// return Response.created(URI.create("/members/" +
<bean id="reqServiceBean"
<property name="ReqDAO" ref="reqDAOref"/>
<reference id="reqDAOref"
* There is no dependency issue and all imports are fine.
Is this approach wrong ? Because when I start this bundle, its waiting
on ReqDAO.
And what is the right approach ?
Appreciate any help.
best regards,
thanks JB,
I don;t see any reference of the exported packages when I do 'ls'.
But web console shows the exported package list.